7.66 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -
from datetime import timedelta
from dateutil.parser import parse
from dpath.util import set as xpathset
from iso8601 import parse_date
from json import load
from jsonpath_rw import parse as parse_path
from munch import fromYAML, Munch, munchify
from robot.errors import HandlerExecutionFailed
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
from robot.output import LOGGER
from robot.output.loggerhelper import Message
# These imports are not pointless. Robot's resource and testsuite files
# can access them by simply importing library "service_keywords".
# Please ignore the warning given by Flake8 or other linter.
from .initial_data import (
    auction_bid, create_fake_doc, test_award_data, test_bid_data,
    test_bid_data_meat_tender, test_complaint_data, test_complaint_reply_data,
    test_invalid_features_data, test_item_data, test_lot_complaint_data,
    test_lot_data, test_lot_document_data, test_lot_question_data,
    test_lots_bid_data, test_meat_tender_data, test_question_answer_data,
    test_question_data, test_supplier_data, test_tender_data,
    test_tender_data_limited, test_tender_data_multiple_items,
from .local_time import get_now, TZ
import os
from barbecue import chef

def get_current_tzdate():
    return get_now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')

def get_file_contents(path):
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        return unicode( or u''

def change_state(arguments):
        if arguments[0] == "shouldfail":
            return "shouldfail"
        return "pass"
    except IndexError:
        return "pass"

def compare_date(date1, date2):
    date1 = parse(date1)
    date2 = parse(date2)
    if date1.tzinfo is None:
        date1 = TZ.localize(date1)
    if date2.tzinfo is None:
        date2 = TZ.localize(date2)

    delta = (date1 - date2).total_seconds()
    if abs(delta) > 60:
        return False
    return True

def log_object_data(data, file_name=None, format="yaml"):
    """Log object data in pretty format (JSON or YAML)

    Two output formats are supported: "yaml" and "json".

    If a file name is specified, the output is written into that file.

    If you would like to get similar output everywhere,
    use the following snippet somewhere in your code
    before actually using Munch. For instance,
    put it into your, or, if you use zc.buildout,
    specify it in "initialization" setting of zc.recipe.egg.

    from munch import Munch
    Munch.__str__ = lambda self: Munch.toYAML(self, allow_unicode=True,
    Munch.__repr__ = Munch.__str__
    if not isinstance(data, Munch):
        data = munchify(data)
    if format.lower() == 'json':
        data = data.toJSON(indent=2)
        data = data.toYAML(allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False)
        format = 'yaml'
    LOGGER.log_message(Message(data.decode('utf-8'), "INFO"))
    if file_name:
        output_dir = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OUTPUT_DIR}")
        with open(os.path.join(output_dir, file_name + '.' + format), "w") as file_obj:

def load_initial_data_from(file_name):
    if not os.path.exists(file_name):
        file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/{}'.format(file_name))
    with open(file_name) as file_obj:
        if file_name.endswith(".json"):
            return Munch.fromDict(load(file_obj))
        elif file_name.endswith(".yaml"):
            return fromYAML(file_obj)

def prepare_test_tender_data(period_intervals, mode):
    if mode == 'single':
        return munchify({'data': test_tender_data(period_intervals)})
    elif mode == 'multi':
        return munchify({'data': test_tender_data_multiple_items(period_intervals)})
    elif mode == 'limited':
        return munchify({'data': test_tender_data_limited(period_intervals)})
    raise ValueError('Invalid mode for test_tender_data')

def run_keyword_and_ignore_keyword_definitions(name, *args):
    """Runs the given keyword with given arguments and returns the status as a Boolean value.

    This keyword returns `True` if the keyword that is executed succeeds and
    `False` if it fails. This is useful, for example, in combination with
    `Run Keyword If`. If you are interested in the error message or return
    value, use `Run Keyword And Ignore Error` instead.

    The keyword name and arguments work as in `Run Keyword`.

    | ${passed} = | `Run Keyword And Return Status` | Keyword | args |
    | `Run Keyword If` | ${passed} | Another keyword |

    New in Robot Framework 2.7.6.
        status, _ = BuiltIn().run_keyword_and_ignore_error(name, *args)
    except HandlerExecutionFailed:
        LOGGER.log_message(Message("Keyword {} not implemented", "ERROR"))
        return "FAIL", ""
    return status, _

def set_tender_periods(tender):
    now = get_now() = (now + timedelta(minutes=2)).isoformat() = (now + timedelta(minutes=2)).isoformat() = (now + timedelta(minutes=4)).isoformat()
    return tender

def set_access_key(tender, access_token):
    tender.access = munchify({"token": access_token})
    return tender

def set_to_object(obj, attribute, value):
    xpathset(obj, attribute.replace('.', '/'), value)
    return obj

def get_from_object(obj, attribute):
    """Gets data from a dictionary using a dotted accessor-string"""
    jsonpath_expr = parse_path(attribute)
    return_list = [i.value for i in jsonpath_expr.find(obj)]
    if return_list:
        return return_list[0]
    return None

def wait_to_date(date_stamp):
    date = parse(date_stamp)
    LOGGER.log_message(Message("date: {}".format(date.isoformat()), "INFO"))
    now = get_now()
    LOGGER.log_message(Message("now: {}".format(now.isoformat()), "INFO"))
    wait_seconds = (date - now).total_seconds()
    wait_seconds += 2
    if wait_seconds < 0:
        return 0
    return wait_seconds

def merge_dicts(left, right):
    new = {}
    return new

def cancel_tender(cancellation_reason):
    return {
        'data': {
            'reason': cancellation_reason

def confirm_supplier(supplier_id):
    return {
        "data": {
            "status": "active",
            "id": supplier_id

def change_cancellation_document_field(key, value):
    data = {
        "data": {
            key: value
    return data

def confirm_cancellation(cancellation_id):
    data = {
        "data": {
            "status": "active",
            "id": cancellation_id
    return data

def confirm_contract(contract_id):
    data = {
        "data": {
            "id": contract_id,
            "status": "active"
    return data

# GUI Frontends common
def add_data_for_gui_frontends(tender_data):
    now = get_now()
    #['startDate'] = (now + timedelta(minutes=2)).isoformat()['endDate'] = (now + timedelta(minutes=6)).isoformat()['startDate'] = (now + timedelta(minutes=7)).isoformat()['endDate'] = (now + timedelta(minutes=11)).isoformat()
    return tender_data

def convert_date_to_slash_format(isodate):
    iso_dt = parse_date(isodate)
    date_string = iso_dt.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
    return date_string

def convert_datetime_to_dot_format(isodate):
    iso_dt = parse_date(isodate)
    day_string = iso_dt.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")
    return day_string

def local_path_to_file(file_name):
    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'documents', file_name)