keywords.robot 28.5 KB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665
*** Settings ***
Library  op_robot_tests.tests_files.service_keywords
Library  String
Library  Collections
Library  Selenium2Library
Library  OperatingSystem
Library  DateTime
Library  DebugLibrary

...  This resource file contains keywords that are used directly by
...  test suites or by brokers' keyword libraries (also known as drivers).

*** Keywords ***
Test Suite Setup
  Set Suite Variable  ${WARN_RUN_AS}  ${False}
  Set Selenium Implicit Wait  5 s
  Set Selenium Timeout  10 s
  Залогувати git-дані
  Порівняти системний і серверний час
  Завантажуємо дані про користувачів і майданчики

Test Suite Teardown
  Close all browsers
  Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Створити артефакт

Set Suite Variable With Default Value
  [Arguments]  ${suite_var}  ${def_value}
  ${tmp}=  Get Variable Value  ${${suite_var}}  ${def_value}
  Set Suite Variable  ${${suite_var}}  ${tmp}

Порівняти системний і серверний час
  ${server_time}=  request  ${api_host_url}  HEAD
  ${local_time}=  Get current TZdate
  Log  ${server_time.headers['date']}
  Log  ${local_time}
  ${status}=  compare_date  ${server_time.headers['date']}  ${local_time}  5
  Run keyword if  ${status} == ${False}
  ...      Log  Час на сервері відрізняється від локального більше ніж на 5 секунд  WARN

Залогувати git-дані
  ${commit}=  Run  git log --graph --pretty --abbrev-commit --date=relative -n 30
  ${repo}=    Run  git remote -v
  ${branch}=  Run  git branch -vva
  ${status}=  Run  git status
  ${diff}=  Run  git diff
  ${reflog}=  Run  git reflog
  Log  ${commit}
  Log  ${repo}
  Log  ${branch}
  Log  ${status}
  Log  ${diff}
  Log  ${reflog}

Завантажуємо дані про користувачів і майданчики
  Log  ${broker}
  Log  ${role}
  # Suite variable; should be present in every test suite
  # in `*** Variables ***` section
  Log Many  @{used_roles}

  # Load brokers data
  ${file_path}=  Get Variable Value  ${BROKERS_FILE}  brokers.yaml
  ${BROKERS}=  load_data_from  ${file_path}  mode=brokers
  Log  ${BROKERS}
  Set Suite Variable  ${BROKERS}
  # List of currently used brokers
  ${used_brokers}=  Create List

  # Load users data
  ${file_path}=  Get Variable Value  ${USERS_FILE}  users.yaml
  ${USERS}=  load_data_from  ${file_path}
  Log  ${USERS.users}
  Set Suite Variable  ${USERS}
  # List of currently used users
  ${used_users}=  Create List

  # Handle `-v role:something`
  Run Keyword Unless  '${role}' in @{used_roles}
  ...      Log
  ...      Role ${role} is not used in this test suite.
  ...      WARN
  Set Suite Variable With Default Value
  ...      ${role}
  ...      ${BROKERS['${broker}'].roles.${role}}

  # Set default value for each role if it is not set yet;
  # fill `used_users`;
  # fill `used_brokers`.
  # Don't even ask how this works!
  :FOR  ${tmp_role}  IN  @{used_roles}
  \  Set Suite Variable With Default Value
  \  ...      ${tmp_role}
  \  ...      ${BROKERS['Quinta'].roles.${tmp_role}}
  \  Append To List  ${used_users}  ${${tmp_role}}
  \  Append To List  ${used_brokers}  ${USERS.users.${${tmp_role}}.broker}
  # Since `@{used_roles}` is already a suite variable,
  # let's make `@{used_brokers}` alike.
  ${used_brokers}=  Remove Duplicates  ${used_brokers}
  Set Suite Variable  ${used_brokers}
  # We need to create two lists since Robot Framework doesn't support
  # dicts in `:FOR` loops.
  Log Many  @{used_users}
  Log Many  @{used_brokers}

  # A list of all users in users file
  ${known_users}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${USERS.users}

  # Check whether users file contains an entry for each
  # selected user before preparing any clients
  :FOR  ${username}  IN  @{used_users}
  \  List Should Contain Value
  \  ...      ${known_users}
  \  ...      ${username}
  \  ...      msg=User ${username} not found in users file!

  # Prepare a client for each user
  :FOR  ${username}  IN  @{used_users}
  \  ${munch_dict}=  munch_dict  data=${True}
  \  ${keywords_file}=  Get Broker Property  ${USERS.users.${username}.broker}  keywords_file
  \  Завантажуємо бібліотеку з реалізацією для майданчика ${keywords_file}
  \  Run As  ${username}  Підготувати клієнт для користувача
  \  ${LAST_REFRESH_DATE}=  Get Current TZdate
  \  Set To Dictionary  ${USERS}  ${username}=${USERS.users.${username}}
  \  Set To Dictionary  ${USERS.${username}}  tender_data=${munch_dict}
  \  Set To Dictionary  ${USERS.${username}}  LAST_REFRESH_DATE  ${LAST_REFRESH_DATE}

  # Drop all unused users
  Keep In Dictionary  ${USERS.users}  @{used_users}
  Log Many  @{USERS}

Get Broker Property
  [Arguments]  ${broker_name}  ${property}
  ...      This keyword returns a property of specified broker
  ...      if that property exists, otherwise, it returns a
  ...      default value.
  Run Keyword If  '${broker_name}'=='${None}'  Fail  \${broker_name} is NoneType
  Should Contain  ${BROKERS['${broker_name}']}  ${property}
  Return From Keyword  ${BROKERS['${broker_name}'].${property}}

Get Broker Property By Username
  ...      This keyword gets the corresponding broker name
  ...      for a specified username and then calls
  ...      "Get Broker Property"
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${property}
  ${broker_name}=  Get Variable Value  ${USERS.users['${username}'].broker}
  Run Keyword And Return  Get Broker Property  ${broker_name}  ${property}

Створити артефакт
  ${artifact}=  Create Dictionary
  ...      api_version=${api_version}
  ...      tender_uaid=${TENDER['TENDER_UAID']}
  ...      last_modification_date=${TENDER['LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE']}
  ...      mode=${mode}
  Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Set To Dictionary  ${artifact}
  ...          tender_owner=${USERS.users['${tender_owner}'].broker}
  ...          access_token=${USERS.users['${tender_owner}'].access_token}
  ...          tender_id=${USERS.users['${tender_owner}']}
  ${status}  ${lots_ids}=  Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Отримати ідентифікатори об’єктів  ${viewer}  lots
  Run Keyword If  ${status}'=='PASS'
  ...      Set To Dictionary   ${artifact}   lots=${lots_ids}
  Log   ${artifact}
  log_object_data  ${artifact}  artifact  update=${True}

Завантажити дані про тендер
  ${file_path}=  Get Variable Value  ${ARTIFACT_FILE}  artifact.yaml
  ${ARTIFACT}=  load_data_from  ${file_path}
  Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Set To Dictionary  ${USERS.users['${tender_owner}']}  access_token=${ARTIFACT.access_token}
  ${TENDER}=  Create Dictionary   TENDER_UAID=${ARTIFACT.tender_uaid}   LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE=${ARTIFACT.last_modification_date}   LOT_ID=${Empty}
  ${lot_index}=  Get Variable Value  ${lot_index}  0
  Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Set To Dictionary  ${TENDER}  LOT_ID=${ARTIFACT.lots[${lot_index}]}
  ${mode}=  Get Variable Value  ${mode}  ${ARTIFACT.mode}
  Set Suite Variable  ${mode}
  Set Suite Variable  ${lot_index}
  Set Suite Variable  ${TENDER}
  log_object_data  ${ARTIFACT}  artifact

Підготовка даних для створення тендера
  ${period_intervals}=  compute_intrs  ${BROKERS}  ${used_brokers}
  ${tender_data}=  prepare_test_tender_data  ${period_intervals}  ${mode}
  ${TENDER}=  Create Dictionary
  Set Global Variable  ${TENDER}
  Log  ${TENDER}
  Log  ${tender_data}
  [return]  ${tender_data}

Підготовка даних для створення предмету закупівлі
  ${item}=  test_item_data
  [Return]  ${item}

Підготовка даних для створення лоту
  [Arguments]  ${max_lot_value_amount}
  ${lot}=  test_lot_data  ${max_lot_value_amount}
  ${reply}=  Create Dictionary  data=${lot}
  [Return]  ${reply}

Підготовка даних для подання вимоги
  ${claim}=  test_claim_data
  [Return]  ${claim}

Підготовка даних для подання скарги
  [Arguments]  ${lot}=${False}
  ${complaint}=  test_complaint_data  ${lot}
  [Return]  ${complaint}

Підготовка даних для відповіді на скаргу
  ${reply}=  test_complaint_reply_data
  [Return]  ${reply}

Підготовка даних для запитання
  ${question}=  test_question_data
  [Return]  ${question}

Підготовка даних для відповіді на запитання
  ${answer}=  test_question_answer_data
  [Return]  ${answer}

Підготувати дані для подання пропозиції
  [Arguments]  ${max_value_amount}
  ${bid_data}=  test_bid_data  ${mode}  ${max_value_amount}
  [Return]  ${bid_data}

Підготувати дані про постачальника
  [Arguments]  ${username}
  ${supplier_data}=  test_supplier_data
  Set To Dictionary  ${USERS.users['${username}']}  supplier_data=${supplier_data}
  Log  ${supplier_data}
  [Return]  ${supplier_data}

Підготувати дані про скасування
  [Arguments]  ${username}
  ${cancellation_reason}=  create_fake_sentence
  ${document}=  create_fake_doc
  ${new_description}=  create_fake_sentence
  ${cancellation_data}=  Create Dictionary  cancellation_reason=${cancellation_reason}  document=${document}  description=${new_description}
  Set To Dictionary  ${USERS.users['${username}']}  cancellation_data=${cancellation_data}
  [Return]  ${cancellation_data}

Адаптувати дані для оголошення тендера
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${tender_data}
  # munchify is used to make deep copy of ${tender_data}
  ${tender_data_copy}=  munchify  ${tender_data}
  ${status}  ${adapted_data}=  Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Викликати для учасника  ${username}  Підготувати дані для оголошення тендера  ${tender_data_copy}
  ${adapted_data}=  Set variable if  '${status}' == 'FAIL'  ${tender_data_copy}  ${adapted_data}
  # munchify is used to make nice log output
  ${adapted_data}=  munchify  ${adapted_data}
  Log  ${tender_data}
  Log  ${adapted_data}
  ${status}=  Run keyword and return status  Dictionaries Should Be Equal  ${}  ${}
  Run keyword if  ${status} == ${False}  Log  Initial tender data was changed  WARN
  [Return]  ${adapted_data}

Завантажуємо бібліотеку з реалізацією для майданчика ${keywords_file}
  ...      Load broker's driver (keyword library).
  ...      `Import Resource` is called twice:
  ...      1) It tries to read from  ``brokers/`` directory
  ...      (located next to ``keywords.robot``).
  ...      This is an old feature which will be removed in the future.
  ...      2) It looks for a given filename in ``sys.path``
  ...      (``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable).
  ...      This keyword will fail if ``keywords_file`` was found
  ...      in both locations.
  ${bundled_st}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Import Resource  ${CURDIR}${/}brokers${/}${keywords_file}.robot
  ${external_st}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Import Resource  ${keywords_file}.robot
  Run Keyword If  ${bundled_st} == ${external_st} == ${False}  Fail  Resource file ${keywords_file}.robot not found
  Run Keyword If  ${bundled_st} == ${external_st} == ${True}  Fail  Resource file ${keywords_file}.robot found in both brokers${/} and src${/}

Дочекатись синхронізації з майданчиком
  [Arguments]  ${username}
  ...      Synchronise with ``username`` and update cache
  ...      First section
  ...      Get `timeout_on_wait` for ``username``
  ...      Add `timeout_on_wait` to `last_modification_date` in order to have
  ...      correct time of data modification in CDB(every broker has different
  ...      data synchronisation time with CDB).
  ...      Find diff between `last_mofidication_date_corrected`
  ...      and `now`. If that value is positive, sleep for `sleep` seconds,
  ...      else go to next section.
  ...      Thus, when this keyword is executed several times in a row,
  ...      it will wait for as long as really needed.
  ...      Example:
  ...      The procurement is modified.
  ...      In 5 seconds, this keyword is called for `viewer`.
  ...      Immediately, this keyword is called for `provider`.
  ...      Timeout for `viewer` is 60.
  ...      Timeout for `provider` is 300.
  ...      First call (for `viewer`) will trigger `Sleep 55`.
  ...      Second call (for `provider`) will trigger `Sleep 235`.
  ...      As a result, the delay will end in 300 seconds
  ...      since last modification date.
  ...      Another example (a variation of previous one):
  ...      Timeout for `viewer` is 120.
  ...      Timeout for `provider` is 30.
  ...      First call will trigger `Sleep 115`.
  ...      Second call will trigger `Sleep 0`,
  ...      since we have already slept for 120 seconds
  ...      and there is no need to sleep anymore.
  ...      Second section
  ...      Find how much time passed from ``username``'s `last_refresh_date`
  ...      to `last_modification_date_corrected`. If that value is positive, then
  ...      cahce for ``username`` is not up-to-date. So, it will be refreshed and
  ...      `last_refresh_date` will be updated.
  ...      Else do nothing.
  ${timeout_on_wait}=  Get Broker Property By Username  ${username}  timeout_on_wait
  ${last_modification_date_corrected}=  Add Time To Date
  ...      ${timeout_on_wait} s
  ${now}=  Get Current TZdate
  ${sleep}=  Subtract Date From Date
  ...      ${last_modification_date_corrected}
  ...      ${now}
  Run Keyword If  ${sleep} > 0  Sleep  ${sleep}

  ${time_diff}=  Subtract Date From Date
  ...      ${last_modification_date_corrected}
  ...      ${USERS.users['${username}']['LAST_REFRESH_DATE']}
  ${LAST_REFRESH_DATE}=  Get Current TZdate
  Run Keyword If  ${time_diff} > 0  Run keywords
  ...      Викликати для учасника  ${username}  Оновити сторінку з тендером  ${TENDER['TENDER_UAID']}
  ...      AND
  ...      Set To Dictionary  ${USERS.users['${username}']}  LAST_REFRESH_DATE=${LAST_REFRESH_DATE}

Звірити поле тендера
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${tender_data}  ${field}
  ${left}=  Get_From_Object  ${}  ${field}
  Звірити поле тендера із значенням  ${username}  ${left}  ${field}

Звірити поле тендера із значенням
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${left}  ${field}  ${object_id}=${None}
  ${right}=  Отримати дані із тендера  ${username}  ${field}  ${object_id}
  Порівняти об'єкти  ${left}  ${right}

Порівняти об'єкти
  [Arguments]  ${left}  ${right}
  Log  ${left}
  Log  ${right}
  Should Not Be Equal  ${left}  ${None}
  Should Not Be Equal  ${right}  ${None}
  Should Be Equal  ${left}  ${right}  msg=Objects are not equal

Звірити дату тендера
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${tender_data}  ${field}  ${accuracy}=60  ${absolute_delta}=${False}
  ${left}=  Get_From_Object  ${}  ${field}
  Звірити дату тендера із значенням  ${username}  ${left}  ${field}  accuracy=${accuracy}  absolute_delta=${absolute_delta}

Звірити дату тендера із значенням
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${left}  ${field}  ${object_id}=${None}  ${accuracy}=60  ${absolute_delta}=${False}
  ${right}=  Отримати дані із тендера  ${username}  ${field}  ${object_id}
  Порівняти дати  ${left}  ${right}  accuracy=${accuracy}  absolute_delta=${absolute_delta}

Порівняти дати
  ...      Compare dates with specified ``accuracy`` (in seconds).
  ...      Default is `60`.
  ...      The keyword will fail if the difference between
  ...      ``left`` and ``right`` dates is more than ``accuracy``,
  ...      otherwise it will pass.
  [Arguments]  ${left}  ${right}  ${accuracy}=60  ${absolute_delta}=${False}
  Log  ${left}
  Log  ${right}
  Should Not Be Equal  ${left}  ${None}
  Should Not Be Equal  ${right}  ${None}
  ${status}=  compare_date  ${left}  ${right}  accuracy=${accuracy}  absolute_delta=${absolute_delta}
  Should Be True  ${status}  msg=Dates differ: ${left} != ${right}

Звірити координати доставки тендера
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${tender_data}  ${field}  ${object_id}=${None}
  ${left_lat}=  Get_From_Object  ${}  ${field}.deliveryLocation.latitude
  ${left_lon}=  Get_From_Object  ${}  ${field}.deliveryLocation.longitude
  ${right_lat}=  Отримати дані із тендера  ${username}  ${field}.deliveryLocation.latitude  ${object_id}
  ${right_lon}=  Отримати дані із тендера  ${username}  ${field}.deliveryLocation.longitude  ${object_id}
  Порівняти координати  ${left_lat}  ${left_lon}  ${right_lat}  ${right_lon}

Порівняти координати
  ...      Compare coordinates with specified ``accuracy`` (in km).
  ...      Default is `0.1`.
  ...      The keyword will fail if the difference between
  ...      ``left`` and ``right`` is more than ``accuracy``,
  ...      otherwise it will pass.
  [Arguments]  ${left_lat}  ${left_lon}  ${right_lat}  ${right_lon}  ${accuracy}=0.1
  Should Not Be Equal  ${left_lat}  ${None}
  Should Not Be Equal  ${left_lon}  ${None}
  Should Not Be Equal  ${right_lat}  ${None}
  Should Not Be Equal  ${right_lon}  ${None}
  ${status}=  compare_coordinates  ${left_lat}  ${left_lon}  ${right_lat}  ${right_lon}  ${accuracy}
  Should Be True  ${status}  msg=Coordinates differ: (${left_lat}, ${left_lon}) != (${right_lat}, ${right_lon})

Звірити поля предметів закупівлі багатопредметного тендера
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${tender_data}  ${field}
  @{items}=  Get_From_Object  ${}  items
  ${len_of_items}=  Get Length  ${items}
  :FOR  ${index}  IN RANGE  ${len_of_items}
  \  Log  ${index}
  \  Звірити поле тендера  ${viewer}  ${tender_data}  items[${index}].${field}

Звірити дату предметів закупівлі багатопредметного тендера
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${tender_data}  ${field}  ${accuracy}=60  ${absolute_delta}=${False}
  @{items}=  Get_From_Object  ${}  items
  :FOR  ${index}  ${_}  IN ENUMERATE  @{items}
  \  Log  ${index}
  \  Звірити дату тендера  ${viewer}  ${tender_data}  items[${index}].${field}  accuracy=${accuracy}  absolute_delta=${absolute_delta}

Звірити координати доставки предметів закупівлі багатопредметного тендера
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${tender_data}
  @{items}=  Get_From_Object  ${}  items
  :FOR  ${index}  ${_}  IN ENUMERATE  @{items}
  \  Log  ${index}
  \  Звірити координати тендера  ${viewer}  ${tender_data}  items[${index}]

Отримати дані із тендера
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${field_name}  ${object_id}=${None}
  Log  ${username}
  Log  ${field_name}
  ${field}=  Run Keyword If  '${object_id}'=='${None}'  Set Variable  ${field_name}
  ...             ELSE  Отримати шлях до поля об’єкта  ${username}  ${field_name}  ${object_id}
  ${status}  ${field_value}=  Run keyword and ignore error
  ...      Get from object
  ...      ${USERS.users['${username}']}
  ...      ${field}
  # If field in cache, return its value
  Run Keyword if  '${status}' == 'PASS'  Return from keyword   ${field_value}
  # Else call broker to find field
  ${field_value}=  Run Keyword IF  '${object_id}'=='${None}'  Run As  ${username}  Отримати інформацію із тендера  ${field}
  ...                          ELSE  Отримати дані із об’єкта тендера  ${username}  ${object_id}  ${field_name}
  # And caching its value before return
  Set_To_Object  ${USERS.users['${username}']}  ${field}  ${field_value}
  [return]  ${field_value}

Отримати шлях до поля об’єкта
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${field_name}  ${object_id}
  ${object_type}=  get_object_type_by_id  ${object_id}
  ${objects}=  Get Variable Value  ${USERS.users['${username}']['${object_type}']}  ${empty}
  ${object_index}=  get_object_index_by_id  ${objects}  ${object_id}
  [return]  ${object_type}[${object_index}].${field_name}

Отримати дані із об’єкта тендера
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${object_id}  ${field_name}
  ${object_type}=   get_object_type_by_id  ${object_id}
  ${status}  ${value}=  Run Keyword If  '${object_type}'=='question'
  ...                     Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Run As  ${username}  Отримати інформацію із запитання  ${object_id}  ${field_name}
  ...                   ELSE IF  '${object_type}'=='lots'
  ...                     Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Run As  ${username}  Отримати інформацію із лоту  ${object_id}  ${field_name}
  ${field}=  Отримати шлях до поля об’єкта  ${username}  ${field_name}  ${object_id}
  ${field_value}=  Run Keyword IF  '${status}'=='PASS'  Set Variable  ${value}
  ...                          ELSE  Run As  ${username}  Отримати інформацію із тендера  ${field}
  [return]  ${field_value}

Отримати ідентифікатори об’єктів
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${objects_type}
  @{objects_ids}=  Create List
  @{objects}=  Get from object  ${USERS.users['${username}']}  ${objects_type}
  :FOR  ${obj}  IN  @{objects}
  \   ${obj_id}=  get_id_from_object  ${obj}
  \   Append To List  ${objects_ids}  ${obj_id}
  [return]  ${objects_ids}

Викликати для учасника
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${command}  @{arguments}
  Run keyword unless  '${WARN_RUN_AS}' == '${True}'
  ...      Run keywords
  ...      Set Suite Variable  ${WARN_RUN_AS}  ${True}
  ...      AND
  ...      Log  Keyword 'Викликати для учасника' is deprecated. Please use 'Run As' and 'Require Failure' instead.
  ...      WARN
  Run Keyword And Return  Run As  ${username}  ${command}  @{arguments}

Run As
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${command}  @{arguments}
  ...      Run the given keyword (``command``) with given ``arguments``
  ...      using driver (keyword library) of user ``username``.
  Log  ${username}
  Log  ${command}
  Log Many  @{arguments}
  ${keywords_file}=  Get Broker Property By Username  ${username}  keywords_file
  ${status}  ${value}=  Run keyword and ignore keyword definitions  ${keywords_file}.${command}  ${username}  @{arguments}
  ${unexpected_args}=  Get Regexp Matches  '${value}'  expected [0-9] arguments, got [0-9]
  ${status}  ${value}=  Run Keyword If  "${unexpected_args}"=="[]"  Set Variable  ${status}  ${value}
  ...      ELSE  Run keyword and ignore keyword definitions  ${keywords_file}.${command}  ${username}  @{arguments[:-1]}
  Run Keyword If  '${status}' == 'FAIL'  Fail  ${value}
  [return]  ${value}

Require Failure
  [Arguments]  ${username}  ${command}  @{arguments}
  ...      Sometimes we need to make sure that the given keyword fails.
  ...      This keyword works just like `Run As`, but it passes only
  ...      if ``command`` with ``arguments`` fails and vice versa.
  Log  ${username}
  Log  ${command}
  Log Many  ${command}  @{arguments}
  ${keywords_file}=  Get Broker Property By Username  ${username}  keywords_file
  ${status}  ${value}=  Run keyword and ignore keyword definitions  ${keywords_file}.${command}  ${username}  @{arguments}
  Run keyword if  '${status}' == 'PASS'  Fail  Користувач ${username} зміг виконати "${command}"
  [return]  ${value}

Дочекатись дати
  [Arguments]  ${date}
  ${sleep}=  wait_to_date  ${date}
  Run Keyword If  ${sleep} > 0  Sleep  ${sleep}

Дочекатись дати початку періоду уточнень
  [Arguments]  ${username}
  Log  ${username}
  # XXX: HACK: Same as below
  ${status}  ${date}=  Run Keyword And Ignore Error
  ...      Set Variable
  ...      ${USERS.users['${username}']}
  ${date}=  Set Variable If
  ...      '${status}' == 'FAIL'
  ...      ${USERS.users['${tender_owner}']}
  ...      ${date}
  Дочекатись дати  ${date}

Дочекатись дати початку прийому пропозицій
  [Arguments]  ${username}
  Log  ${username}
  # This tries to get the date from current user's procurement data cache.
  # On failure, it reads from tender_owner's cached initial_data.
  # XXX: This is a dirty hack!
  # HACK: It was left here only for backward compatibiliy.
  # HACK: Before caching was implemented, this keyword used to look into
  # HACK: tender_owner's initial_data.
  # HACK: This should be cleaned up as soon as each broker implements reading
  # HACK: of the needed dates from tender's page.
  ${status}  ${date}=  Run Keyword And Ignore Error
  ...      Set Variable
  ...      ${USERS.users['${username}']}
  # By default if condition is not satisfied, variable is set to None.
  # The third argument sets the variable to itself instead of None.
  ${date}=  Set Variable If
  ...      '${status}' == 'FAIL'
  ...      ${USERS.users['${tender_owner}']}
  ...      ${date}
  Дочекатись дати  ${date}
  Дочекатись синхронізації з майданчиком  ${username}

Дочекатись дати закінчення прийому пропозицій
  [Arguments]  ${username}
  Log  ${username}
  # XXX: HACK: Same as above
  ${status}  ${date}=  Run Keyword And Ignore Error
  ...      Set Variable
  ...      ${USERS.users['${username}']}
  ${date}=  Set Variable If
  ...      '${status}' == 'FAIL'
  ...      ${USERS.users['${tender_owner}']}
  ...      ${date}
  ${date}=  add_minutes_to_date  ${date}  2  # Auction sync
  Дочекатись дати  ${date}
  Дочекатись синхронізації з майданчиком  ${username}

Дочекатись дати початку аукціону
  [Arguments]  ${username}
  # Can't use that dirty hack here since we don't know
  # the date of auction when creating the procurement :)
  ${auctionStart}=  Отримати дані із тендера   ${username}   auctionPeriod.startDate  ${TENDER['LOT_ID']}
  Дочекатись дати  ${auctionStart}
  Дочекатись синхронізації з майданчиком  ${username}

Відкрити сторінку аукціону для глядача
  ${url}=  Run as  ${viewer}  Отримати посилання на аукціон для глядача  ${TENDER['TENDER_UAID']}  ${TENDER['LOT_ID']}
  Open browser  ${url}  ${USERS.users['${viewer}'].browser}

Дочекатись дати закінчення аукціону
  [Arguments]  ${username}
  Log  ${username}
  ${auctionEnd}=  Отримати дані із тендера   ${username}   auctionPeriod.endDate  ${TENDER['LOT_ID']}
  Дочекатись дати  ${auctionEnd}
  Дочекатись синхронізації з майданчиком  ${username}

Дочекатись дати закінчення періоду подання скарг
  [Arguments]  ${username}
  log  ${username}
  Дочекатись дати  ${USERS.users['${username}']}
  Дочекатись синхронізації з майданчиком  ${username}

  ...      Variable ``${TEST_STATUS}`` is only available in test case teardown.
  ...      When we call this keyword from elswere, we need to presume that
  ...      test status is ``PASS`` (since previous keywords passed and this
  ...      one was called).
  ${LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE}=  Get Current TZdate
  ${status}=  Get Variable Value  ${TEST_STATUS}  PASS
  Run Keyword If  '${status}' == 'PASS'  Set To Dictionary  ${TENDER}  LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE=${LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE}