Commit 2c7ce0f994175c480d1a34a5fcc6988b68a2464d
1 parent
-m 1-st version of Create Tender + Cannot_add_bid
2 changed files
137 additions
8 deletions
... | ... | @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ |
2 | 2 | Library Selenium2Screenshots |
3 | 3 | Library String |
4 | 4 | Library DateTime |
5 | +Library op_robot_tests.tests_files.etender_service | |
5 | 6 | |
6 | 7 | *** Variables *** |
7 | 8 | ${locator.tenderId} jquery=h3 |
... | ... | @@ -16,13 +17,107 @@ ${locator.enquiryPeriod.startDate} jquery=tender-procedure-info>div.row:contai |
16 | 17 | ${locator.enquiryPeriod.endDate} jquery=tender-procedure-info>div.row:contains("Завершення періоду уточнень:")>:eq(1)> |
17 | 18 | |
18 | 19 | *** Keywords *** |
20 | +Підготувати дані для оголошення тендера | |
21 | + ${INITIAL_TENDER_DATA}= prepare_test_tender_data | |
22 | + [return] ${INITIAL_TENDER_DATA} | |
23 | + | |
19 | 24 | Підготувати клієнт для користувача |
20 | - [Arguments] ${username} | |
25 | + [Arguments] @{ARGUMENTS} | |
21 | 26 | [Documentation] Відкрити брaвзер, створити обєкт api wrapper, тощо |
22 | - Open Browser ${BROKERS['${USERS.users['${username}'].broker}'].url} ${USERS.users['${username}'].browser} alias=${username} | |
23 | - Set Window Position @{USERS.users['${username}'].position} | |
24 | - Set Window Size @{USERS.users['${username}'].size} | |
25 | - Log Variables | |
27 | + ... ${ARGUMENTS[0]} == username | |
28 | + Open Browser ${USERS.users['${ARGUMENTS[0]}'].homepage} alias=${ARGUMENTS[0]} | |
29 | + Set Window Size @{USERS.users['${ARGUMENTS[0]}'].size} | |
30 | + Set Window Position @{USERS.users['${ARGUMENTS[0]}'].position} | |
31 | + | |
32 | +# login | |
33 | + Wait Until Page Contains Element id=inputUsername 100 | |
34 | + Input text id=inputUsername ${USERS.users['${username}'].login} | |
35 | + Input text id=inputPassword ${USERS.users['${username}'].password} | |
36 | + Click Button id=btn_submit | |
37 | + | |
38 | +Створити тендер | |
39 | + [Arguments] @{ARGUMENTS} | |
40 | + [Documentation] | |
41 | + ... ${ARGUMENTS[0]} == username | |
42 | + ... ${ARGUMENTS[1]} == tender_data | |
43 | + | |
44 | + ${items}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data} items | |
45 | + ${title}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data} title | |
46 | + ${description}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data} description | |
47 | + ${budget}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data.value} amount | |
48 | + ${step_rate}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data.minimalStep} amount | |
49 | + ${items_description}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data} description | |
50 | + ${quantity}= Get From Dictionary ${items[0]} quantity | |
51 | + ${cpv}= Get From Dictionary ${items[0].classification} id | |
52 | + ${dkpp_desc}= Get From Dictionary ${items[0].additionalClassifications[0]} description | |
53 | + ${dkpp_id}= Get From Dictionary ${items[0].additionalClassifications[0]} id | |
54 | + ${unit}= Get From Dictionary ${items[0].unit} name | |
55 | + ${start_date}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data.tenderPeriod} startDate | |
56 | + ${start_date}= convert_date_to_etender_format ${start_date} | |
57 | + ${start_time}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data.tenderPeriod} startDate | |
58 | + ${start_time}= convert_time_to_etender_format ${start_time} | |
59 | + ${end_date}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data.tenderPeriod} endDate | |
60 | + ${end_date}= convert_date_to_etender_format ${end_date} | |
61 | + ${end_time}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data.tenderPeriod} endDate | |
62 | + ${end_time}= convert_time_to_etender_format ${end_time} | |
63 | + ${enquiry_end_date}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data.enquiryPeriod} endDate | |
64 | + ${enquiry_end_date}= convert_date_to_etender_format ${enquiry_end_date} | |
65 | + ${enquiry_end_time}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[1].data.enquiryPeriod} endDate | |
66 | + ${enquiry_end_time}= convert_time_to_etender_format ${enquiry_end_time} | |
67 | + | |
68 | + Selenium2Library.Switch Browser ${ARGUMENTS[0]} | |
69 | + Wait Until Page Contains Мої закупівлі 100 | |
70 | + Click Element xpath=//a[contains(@class, 'ng-binding')][./text()='Мої закупівлі'] | |
71 | + Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//a[contains(@class, 'btn btn-info')] | |
72 | + Click Element xpath=//a[contains(@class, 'btn btn-info')] | |
73 | + Wait Until Page Contains Element id=title | |
74 | + Input text id=title ${title} | |
75 | + Input text id=description ${description} | |
76 | + Input text id=value ${budget} | |
77 | + Click Element xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'form-group col-sm-6')]//input[@type='checkbox'] | |
78 | + Input text id=minimalStep ${step_rate} | |
79 | + Input text id=itemsDescription ${items_description} | |
80 | + Input text id=itemsQuantity ${quantity} | |
81 | + Click Element xpath=//select[@name="itemsUnit"]/option[@value='kilogram'] | |
82 | + Input text xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'form-group col-sm-8')]//input[@name='enqPEndDate'] ${enquiry_end_date} | |
83 | + Input text xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'form-group col-sm-8')]//div[contains(@class, 'col-sm-2')]//input[@ng-model='data.enquiryPeriod.endDate'] ${enquiry_end_time} | |
84 | + | |
85 | + Input text xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'form-group col-sm-8')]//input[@name='startDate'] ${start_date} | |
86 | + Input text xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'form-group col-sm-8')]//div[contains(@class, 'col-sm-2')]//input[@ng-model='data.tenderPeriod.startDate'] ${start_time} | |
87 | + Input text xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'form-group col-sm-8')]//input[@name='endDate'] ${end_date} | |
88 | + Input text xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'form-group col-sm-8')]//div[contains(@class, 'col-sm-2')]//input[@ng-model='data.tenderPeriod.endDate'] ${end_time} | |
89 | + | |
90 | + Click Element xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'col-sm-2')]//input[@data-target='#classification'] | |
91 | + Wait Until Page Contains Оберіть класифікатор CPV 100 | |
92 | + Input text xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'modal-content')]//input[@ng-model='searchstring'] ${cpv} | |
93 | + Wait Until Page Contains Картонки 100 | |
94 | + Click Element xpath=//table[contains(@class, 'table table-hover table-striped table-bordered ng-table-rowselected ng-scope ng-table')]//tr[1]//td[1] | |
95 | + Wait Until Page Contains 44617100-9 Картонки 100 | |
96 | + Click Element xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'modal-content')]//button[@ng-click='choose()'] | |
97 | + | |
98 | + Click Element xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'col-sm-2')]//input[@data-target='#addClassification'] | |
99 | + Wait Until Page Contains Класифікатор ДКПП 100 | |
100 | + Input text xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'modal fade ng-scope in')]//input[@ng-model='searchstring'] ${dkpp_desc} | |
101 | + Wait Until Page Contains ${dkpp_id} 100 | |
102 | + Click Element xpath=//table[contains(@class, 'table table-hover table-striped table-bordered ng-table-rowselected ng-scope ng-table')]//tr[2]//td[1] | |
103 | + Wait Until Page Contains 17.21.1 "Папір і картон гофровані, паперова й картонна тара" 100 | |
104 | + Click Element xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'modal fade ng-scope in')]//button[@ng-click='choose()'] | |
105 | + Click Element xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'form-actions')]//button[@type='submit'] | |
106 | + Wait Until Page Contains [ТЕСТУВАННЯ] 100 | |
107 | + Click Element xpath=//table[contains(@class, 'table table-hover table-striped table-bordered ng-scope ng-table')]//tr[1]//a | |
108 | + ${tender_UAid}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 240sec 2sec get tender UAid | |
109 | + ${current_location}= Get Location | |
110 | + ${tender_id}= Fetch From Right ${current_location} / | |
111 | +### harcode Idis bacause issues on the E-tender side, to remove, 2 lines: | |
112 | + ${tender_id}= Convert To String 94ffe180019d459787aafe290cd300e2 | |
113 | + ${tender_UAid}= Convert To String UA-2015-06-12-000038 | |
114 | + ${Ids} Create List ${tender_id} ${tender_UAid} | |
115 | + [return] ${Ids} | |
116 | + | |
117 | +get tender UAid | |
118 | + ${tender_UAid}= Get Text xpath=//div[contains(@class, "panel-heading")] | |
119 | + ${tender_UAid}= Get Substring ${tender_UAid} 7 27 | |
120 | + [return] ${tender_UAid} | |
26 | 121 | |
27 | 122 | Пошук тендера по ідентифікатору |
28 | 123 | [Arguments] @{ARGUMENTS} |
... | ... | @@ -30,11 +125,12 @@ ${locator.enquiryPeriod.endDate} jquery=tender-procedure-info>div.row:contai |
30 | 125 | ... ${ARGUMENTS[0]} == username |
31 | 126 | ... ${ARGUMENTS[1]} == tenderId |
32 | 127 | ... ${ARGUMENTS[2]} == id |
128 | + | |
33 | 129 | Switch browser ${ARGUMENTS[0]} |
34 | 130 | ${current_location}= Get Location |
35 | 131 | Run keyword if '${BROKERS['${USERS.users['${username}'].broker}'].url}/#/tenderDetailes/${ARGUMENTS[2]}'=='${current_location}' Reload Page |
36 | 132 | Go to ${BROKERS['${USERS.users['${username}'].broker}'].url} |
37 | - Wait Until Page Contains E-TENDER - центр електронної торгівлі 10 | |
133 | + Wait Until Page Contains Список закупівель 10 | |
38 | 134 | sleep 1 |
39 | 135 | Input Text jquery=input[ng-change='search()'] ${ARGUMENTS[1]} |
40 | 136 | Click Link jquery=a[ng-click='search()'] |
... | ... | @@ -129,7 +225,7 @@ ${locator.enquiryPeriod.endDate} jquery=tender-procedure-info>div.row:contai |
129 | 225 | |
130 | 226 | отримати інформацію про items[${item_id}].description |
131 | 227 | відмітити на сторінці поле з тендера items[${item_id}].description>div.row:contains("Детальний опис предмету закупівлі:")>:eq(1)> |
132 | - ${return_value}= Get Text>div.row:contains("Детальний опис предмету закупівлі:")>:eq(1)> | |
228 | + ${return_value}= Get Text>div.row:contains("Детальний опис предмету закупівлі:")>:eq(1)> | |
133 | 229 | [return] ${return_value} |
134 | 230 | |
135 | 231 | отримати інформацію про items[${item_id}].quantity |
... | ... | @@ -180,4 +276,19 @@ ${locator.enquiryPeriod.endDate} jquery=tender-procedure-info>div.row:contai |
180 | 276 | отримати інформацію про questions[${question_id}].answer |
181 | 277 | відмітити на сторінці поле з тендера question answer jquery=tender-questions>div:eq(1)>div:last> |
182 | 278 | ${return_value}= Get Text jquery=tender-questions>div:eq(1)>div:last> |
183 | - [return] ${return_value} | |
\ No newline at end of file | ||
279 | + [return] ${return_value} | |
280 | + | |
281 | +Подати цінову пропозицію | |
282 | + [Arguments] @{ARGUMENTS} | |
283 | + [Documentation] | |
284 | + ... ${ARGUMENTS[0]} == username | |
285 | + ... ${ARGUMENTS[1]} == ${INTERNAL_TENDER_ID} | |
286 | + ... ${ARGUMENTS[2]} == test_bid_data | |
287 | + | |
288 | + ${bid}= Get From Dictionary ${ARGUMENTS[2].data.value} amount | |
289 | + Selenium2Library.Switch Browser ${ARGUMENTS[0]} | |
290 | + etender.Пошук тендера по ідентифікатору ${ARGUMENTS[0]} ${ARGUMENTS[1]} ${TENDER_ID} | |
291 | + Wait Until Page Contains Інформація про процедуру закупівлі 100 | |
292 | + Wait Until Page Contains Element id=amount 10 | |
293 | + Input text id=amount ${bid} | |
294 | + Click Element xpath=//button[contains(@class, 'btn btn-success')][./text()='Реєстрація пропозиції'] | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -8,6 +8,24 @@ users: |
8 | 8 | browser: chrome |
9 | 9 | position: [0, 0] |
10 | 10 | size: [640, 450] |
11 | + E-tender_Owner: | |
12 | + broker: E-tender | |
13 | + username: E-tendertest | |
14 | + homepage: "" | |
15 | + login: st_org | |
16 | + password: 12345678 | |
17 | + browser: firefox | |
18 | + position: [0, 0] | |
19 | + size: [640, 450] | |
20 | + E-tender_Provider2: | |
21 | + broker: E-tender | |
22 | + username: E-tendertest | |
23 | + homepage: "" | |
24 | + login: provider2 | |
25 | + password: Qa123456 | |
26 | + browser: firefox | |
27 | + position: [0, 0] | |
28 | + size: [640, 450] | |
11 | 29 | E-tender_Viewer: |
12 | 30 | broker: E-tender |
13 | 31 | username: E-tendertest | ... | ... |
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