Update aboveThreshold to work with ${tender_uaid} in `Отримати інформацію із тендера` arguments and with waiting for tender status changing.
Update limited_keywords to work with ${tender_uaid} in `Отримати інформацію із тендера` arguments
Update singleItemTender to work with ${tender_uaid} in `Отримати інформацію із тендера` arguments and with waiting for tender status changing.
Because after addition of waiting for status changing tests are executed longer then 5 minutes.
Add ${tender_uaid} into `Отримати інформацію із тендера` instead of global variable being used. It is a lot of addition ${tender_uaid} into keywords arguments, because `Отримати інформацію з тендера` is very "popular".
Add `Log ${status}` to `Залогувати git-дані`
Add --loglevel trace:info to standard command args
Alias is: bin/op_tests
AboveThreshold test
Add proztorg data to users.yaml and brokers.yaml
Уніфікація назв тест кейсів
Lot auction, qualification and contract
Some elements are not visible if the window isn't big enough (Bootstrap's menu, yet again).
Delete unnecessary dot in dict path
Update time comparison
into test cases which are checking representation of deliveryDate
Where needed in keywords.robot
Fix multi item
In order to have possibility to compare dates with accuracy passed in human-readable format
Because parse_date kills offset.
Sync fix Conflicts: op_robot_tests/tests_files/singleItemTender.robot
Add status, diff and reflog to "Залогувати git-дані"
Fix minimalStep.amount