Update initial data
op_client: Switch to new get_tender_id_by_uaid() This fixes the following bug when using openprocurement_client broker: Only recently changed tenders could be found by UAID. Conflicts: op_robot_tests/tests_files/brokers/openprocurement_client.robot
Log git info
Update synchronisation time formula
Code style improvement
Rewrite documentation to `Дочекатись синхронізації з майданчиком` Replace spaces in `Set To Dictionary` and `Create Dictionary` to `=`
Change ${url} -> '${url}'
When passing string as argument to `Should be true` keyword, it must be quoted http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/libraries/BuiltIn.html#Should%20Be%20True
Correct test suits titles
Move LAST_REFRESH_DATE initialization to keywords.robot
Add update last modification date
To avoid errors when using different brokers for different roles, we need to tell Robot Framework that we want to call a keyword from a specific library/resource file.
Require failure for bids check
Also: Add 2 blank lines between all keywords in keywords.robot
Also: * Added new documentation. * Removed the function which is not used anymore. Backward compatibility was partly saved: * The former name is now deprecated. You still can use it, but that is discouraged. * `Run As` always expects success, `shouldfail` no longer works.
Backward compatibility was not saved - `Викликати для учасника` with `shouldfail` argument should be replaced with `Require Failure`.
Add test teardown; update test setup
Make minor changes to singleItemTenderComplaints
Delete ${LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE} from 'Можливість оголосити однопредметний тендер'
Delete ${LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE} from 'Можливість оголосити однопредметний тендер'
Delete ${LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE} from 'Можливість оголосити понадпороговий однопредметний тендер'