This is the same package, it was submitted to PyPI under a new name.
Merging into the fork point of branches 'master' and 'eauction-master'.
In essence, Robot Framework packages and buildout-related packages, including `setuptools` as a dependency of `zc.buildout`.
Source: Repo: git://github.com/pypa/setuptools.git Branch: bootstrap Commit: 0c3bf692236350f5c2c2cab5b235e9b6d3518fcb Notice: Line 39 remained unchanged, so the default version of setuptools is still `18.3.2` instead of `LATEST`.
Update etender data
Converted by Pandoc.
Rewrite `retry_if_request_failed`
Retry only requests with 5xx and 429 status codes or requests which throw BadStatusLine exception.
Add tender_uaid to arguments
Make global/suite variables uppercase
Also remove redundant rows with getting length of lots list.
Also remove redundant rows with getting length of items list.
Now there is data for lots, items and tender questions. Also different keywords was added to work with different questions. All that was made to eliminated problem which occured while question was asked only to tender and wasn't asked to item and lot (there was problem asking them) and all display checking test cases passed.
Cause there was error when viewer's `tender_data` didn't have `contracts` key.
To use different types of keywords in work with documents.
Now it uses different keywords for different types of documents.