Commit bc6a06342d017194d5f916f5ac72e9bb75438fa1
1 parent
added testcases for 2 bidders and observer
4 changed files
169 additions
17 deletions
... | ... | @@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ Resource resource.robot |
4 | 4 | |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | *** Test Cases *** |
7 | -Tender process | |
8 | - Create api wrapper | |
9 | - Create tender | |
10 | - Change tender title | |
11 | - Upload tender documentation | |
12 | - Change tender periods | |
13 | - Create question | |
14 | - Write answer on first question | |
15 | - Wait to TenderPeriod | |
16 | - Submit bids | |
17 | - Review tender | |
18 | - Wait to start of auction's worker | |
19 | - Get particular urls for bids | |
20 | - Review tender | |
21 | - Wait to end of auction | |
22 | - Review tender | |
23 | - Activate award | |
7 | +#Tender process | |
8 | +# Create api wrapper | |
9 | +# Create tender | |
10 | + #Change tender title | |
11 | + # Upload tender documentation | |
12 | + # Change tender periods | |
13 | + # Create question | |
14 | + # Write answer on first question | |
15 | + # Wait to TenderPeriod | |
16 | + # Submit bids | |
17 | + # Review tender | |
18 | + # Wait to start of auction's worker | |
19 | + # Get particular urls for bids | |
20 | + # Review tender | |
21 | + # Wait to end of auction | |
22 | + # Review tender | |
23 | +# Activate award | |
24 | 24 | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +*** Setting *** | |
2 | +Resource keywords.robot | |
3 | +Resource resource.robot | |
4 | +Resource auction_keywords.robot | |
5 | + | |
6 | + | |
7 | +*** Test Cases *** | |
8 | +Valid Login | |
9 | + Open Browser as observer | |
10 | + Open Browser To Login Page bidder1 | |
11 | + Open Browser To Login Page bidder2 | |
12 | + Switch Browser observer | |
13 | + Auction is in standby | |
14 | + Auction is between rounds → 1 | |
15 | + Auction is on round 1 | |
16 | + | |
17 | +auction runs 1 round | |
18 | + bidder1 leaves bid 475000 | |
19 | + bidder2 leaves bid 470000 | |
20 | + Switch Browser observer | |
21 | + Auction is between rounds 1 → 2 | |
22 | + | |
23 | +auction runs 2 round | |
24 | + Auction is on round 2 | |
25 | + bidder1 leaves bid 465000 | |
26 | + bidder2 leaves bid 460000 | |
27 | + Switch Browser observer | |
28 | + Auction is between rounds 2 → 3 | |
29 | + | |
30 | +auction is on last round | |
31 | + Auction is on last round 3 | |
32 | + bidder1 leaves bid 455000 | |
33 | + bidder2 leaves bid 450000 | |
34 | + Switch Browser observer | |
35 | + Auction is finished | |
36 | + [Teardown] Close Browser | |
37 | + | ... | ... |
1 | +*** Setting *** | |
2 | +Library op_robot_tests.tests_files.ApiCommands | |
3 | +Library String | |
4 | +LIbrary Collections | |
5 | +LIbrary Selenium2Library | |
6 | + | |
7 | + | |
8 | +*** Variables *** | |
9 | +${BROWSER} googlechrome | |
10 | +${DELAY} 1 | |
11 | +${URL} | |
12 | +# | |
13 | + | |
14 | + | |
15 | +${AUCTION_URL} | |
16 | +${LOGIN URL1} ${AUCTION_URL}/login?bidder_id=d3ba84c66c9e4f34bfb33cc3c686f137&hash=4e79e605bfecbaa9ac4d0d974c541ee2988f7377 | |
17 | +${LOGIN URL2} ${AUCTION_URL}/login?bidder_id=5675acc9232942e8940a034994ad883e&hash=bd4a790aac32b73e853c26424b032e5a29143d1f | |
18 | + | |
19 | +#$x('/html/body/div/div[1]/div/div[1]//*[contains(text(),"Аукціон завершився")]') | |
20 | +#[<span ng-if="$parent.info_timer.msg" class="ng-binding ng-scope">…</span>] | |
21 | +# | |
22 | + | |
23 | +*** Keywords *** | |
24 | +Open Browser as observer | |
25 | + Open Browser ${AUCTION_URL} ${BROWSER} observer | |
26 | + Maximize Browser Window | |
27 | + Capture Page Screenshot | |
28 | + | |
29 | +Open Browser To Login Page bidder1 | |
30 | + Open Browser ${LOGIN URL1} ${BROWSER} bidder1 | |
31 | + Maximize Browser Window | |
32 | + Oauth Confirm Page Should Be Open | |
33 | + Capture Page Screenshot | |
34 | + Agree with rules | |
35 | + | |
36 | +Open Browser To Login Page bidder2 | |
37 | + Open Browser ${LOGIN URL2} ${BROWSER} bidder2 | |
38 | + Maximize Browser Window | |
39 | + Oauth Confirm Page Should Be Open | |
40 | + Capture Page Screenshot | |
41 | + Agree with rules | |
42 | + | |
43 | +Agree with rules | |
44 | + Click Button xpath=//form/div/button[1] | |
45 | + #Auction Page Should Be Open | |
46 | + | |
47 | +Oauth Confirm Page Should Be Open | |
48 | + Title Should Be Authorization | |
49 | + | |
50 | +Auction Page Should Be Open | |
51 | + Location Should Be ${AUCTION_URL} | |
52 | + Page Should Contain UA-11111 | |
53 | + Wait Until Page Contains до закінчення вашої черги 600 | |
54 | + Capture Page Screenshot | |
55 | + | |
56 | +Start Browser | |
57 | + Open Browser ${URL} ${BROWSER} | |
58 | + Capture Page Screenshot | |
59 | + | |
60 | +Auction is in standby | |
61 | + Page Should Contain до початку аукціону 600 | |
62 | + ${value} = Get Text xpath = //p[@class="round-number ng-scope"] | |
63 | + Should Be Equal ${value} Очікування | |
64 | + Capture Page Screenshot | |
65 | + | |
66 | +Auction is between rounds ${value1} | |
67 | + Wait Until Page Contains до початку раунду 600 | |
68 | + ${value} = Get Text xpath = //span[@class="round-number ng-binding"] | |
69 | + Should Be Equal ${value1} ${value} | |
70 | + Capture Page Screenshot | |
71 | + | |
72 | +Auction is on round ${value3} | |
73 | + Wait Until Page Contains до закінчення раунду 600 | |
74 | + ${round} = Get Text xpath = //p[@class="round-label ng-scope"] | |
75 | + ${number} = Get Text xpath = //p[@class="round-number ng-binding"] | |
76 | + Should Be Equal ${round} Раунд | |
77 | + Should Be Equal ${number} ${value3} | |
78 | + Capture Page Screenshot | |
79 | + | |
80 | +Auction is on last round ${value3} | |
81 | + Wait Until Page Contains до оголошення результатів 600 | |
82 | + ${round} = Get Text xpath = //p[@class="round-label ng-scope"] | |
83 | + ${number} = Get Text xpath = //p[@class="round-number ng-binding"] | |
84 | + Should Be Equal ${round} Раунд | |
85 | + Should Be Equal ${number} ${value3} | |
86 | + Capture Page Screenshot | |
87 | + | |
88 | +Auction is finished | |
89 | + Wait Until Page Contains Аукціон завершився 600 | |
90 | + ${value} = Get Text xpath = //p[@class="round-number ng-scope"] | |
91 | + Should Be Equal ${value} Завершено | |
92 | + Capture Page Screenshot | |
93 | + | |
94 | +*** Keywords *** | |
95 | +#bidding keywords | |
96 | + | |
97 | +#get minimum bid value | |
98 | + | |
99 | +submit bid ${amount} | |
100 | + Wait Until Page Contains до закінчення вашої черги 300 | |
101 | + Input Text xpath = //input[@id="bid"] ${amount} | |
102 | + Click Button xpath = //button[@class="btn btn-success ng-scope"] | |
103 | + Wait Until Page Contains Заявку прийнято 10 | |
104 | + Page Should Not Contain Надто висока заявка | |
105 | + | |
106 | +bidder1 leaves bid ${amount} | |
107 | + Switch Browser bidder1 | |
108 | + submit bid ${amount} | |
109 | + | |
110 | +bidder2 leaves bid ${amount} | |
111 | + Switch Browser bidder2 | |
112 | + submit bid ${amount} | |
113 | + | |
114 | + | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
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