Add implementation of waiting for the end of the auction
Fix `Дочекатись дати початку *` in open* procedures
Single lot bid and caching fixes
Fix initial data caching
Fix initial data caching
Fix caching initial tender data
From initial_data=${tender_data} to initial_data=${adapted_data} It was copy-paste error.
Single lot auction url
SingleLot bid
Wait to start of enquiry period
Support for question ids
Unify tags
Fix bid error for aboveThreshold
Adapted intial data
In multiItemTender and singleItemTender
Make description fields unicode string
Отримати дані із тендера Conflicts: op_robot_tests/tests_files/contract.robot op_robot_tests/tests_files/openEU.robot op_robot_tests/tests_files/qualification.robot
Simplify :FOR loops Brokers: mykhaly/simplify_for_loops
Closes #121.