Update create_fake_doc
In order to work correctly with windows-based brokers. It is cherry-picked commit (89f4b136ae41dbd4cbf6de3ed8b908f0c316d81a).
Add possibility to create lots in awards
Add tests for for the second stage of Competitive Dialogue
change BuiltIn.Catenate to Catenate
Cancellations update
Add `c` prefix to regex in order to include ids in cancellations.
add Run as
Make global/suite variables uppercase (second patch)
Note `Create Dictionary` with two and more arguments in a few rows
Update publicportal data in brokers/users.yaml
remove `Можливість знайти тендер по ід` change `Можливість активувати другий етап` to `Активувати тендер другого етапу` remove third empty line in contract_signing include library BuiltIn add `for` in suite `Порівняти другий етап з перший`