Closes #121.
DZO: changed DZO actors data and DZO intervals
PrivatMarket: change privat_market URL Branch: AvchinnikovaOksana/master
Prom: change prom brokers and users
Add `Порівняти системний і серверний час` Branch: mykhaly/add_time_comparison
Work with cache on keywords level
Descriptions with id Ref: #62 Conflicts: op_robot_tests/tests_files/initial_data.py
Work with Створити тендер... (adapted_data) Branch: mykhaly/work_Creating_tender_adapted_data Conflicts: op_robot_tests/tests_files/limited_keywords.robot
Closes #81.
In other words, `bin/buildout` now includes `bin/develop update`.
Update test_tender_data_limited
Add them to test_tender_data_limited Add `Відображення` test cases for that fields Randomize test_tender_data_limited Make other small changes
Replace hardcoded `description`s with fake phrases in test_tender_data_limited
Add valueAddedTaxIncluded to test_tender_data
This field must be clearly specified, that was bug in its absence Also rewrite "true" -> True in initial_data.py, it also was bug
In order to add required fields in API v. 2.1 to negotiation and negotiation.quick procurements
`Import Library` and `Import Resource` support searching in sys.path, so we don't need to keep a hard-coded relative path for `external_st` anymore. We still need to keep it for `bundled_st` though.
Rename `Дискваліфікація` → `Дискваліфікувати` Branch: mykhaly/rename_disqualification
SmartTender: New settings
E-tender: Change users.yaml
Update initial data
op_client: Switch to new get_tender_id_by_uaid() This fixes the following bug when using openprocurement_client broker: Only recently changed tenders could be found by UAID. Conflicts: op_robot_tests/tests_files/brokers/openprocurement_client.robot
SmartTender. New settings
Log git info
Update synchronisation time formula
Code style improvement