4.5 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
from iso8601 import parse_date

def get_library():
    return BuiltIn().get_library_instance('Selenium2Library')

def get_webdriver_instance():
    return get_library()._current_browser()

# return of variable is None
def get_variable_is_none(variable):
    if variable is None:
        return True
    return False

# check if condition is not none type and run specified keyword
def run_keyword_if_condition_is_not_none(condition, name, *args):
    if get_variable_is_none(condition) == False:
        BuiltIn().run_keyword(name, *args)

# return value for *keys (nested) in `element` (dict).
def get_from_dictionary_by_keys(element, *keys):
    if not isinstance(element, dict):
        raise AttributeError('keys_exists() expects dict as first argument.')
    if len(keys) == 0:
        raise AttributeError('keys_exists() expects at least two arguments, one given.')

    _element = element
    for key in keys:
            _element = _element[key]
        except KeyError:
            return None
    return _element

# set scroll to element in view
def set_element_scroll_into_view(locator):
    element = get_library()._element_find(locator, None, True)
        'var $el = jQuery(arguments[0]); if($el.length) $el.get(0).scrollIntoView();',

# return text from hidden element
def get_invisible_text(locator):
    element = get_library()._element_find(locator, None, True)
    text = get_webdriver_instance().execute_script(
        'return jQuery(arguments[0]).text();',
    return text

# input text to hidden input
def input_text_to_hidden_input(locator, text):
    element = get_library()._element_find(locator, None, True)
        'jQuery(arguments[0]).val("' + text.replace('"', '\\"') + '");',

# select option by label for hidden select
def select_from_hidden_list_by_label(locator, label):
    element = get_library()._element_find(locator, None, True)
        'var $option = jQuery("option:contains(' + label.replace('"', '\\"') + ')", arguments[0]);' +
        'if($option.length) jQuery(arguments[0]).val($option.attr("value"));',

# trigger change event for input by locator
def trigger_input_change_event(locator):
    element = get_library()._element_find(locator, None, True)
        'var $el = jQuery(arguments[0]); if($el.length) $el.trigger("change");',

# convert all numners to string
def convert_float_to_string(number):
    return repr(float(number))

# prepare isodate in needed format
def isodate_format(isodate, format):
    iso_dt = parse_date(isodate)
    return iso_dt.strftime(format)

# prepare data
def prepare_procuring_entity_data(data):
        data['name'] = u"Playtender"
        data.identifier['id'] = u"playtender"
        data.identifier['legalName'] = u"Playtender"
        data.identifier['scheme'] = u"UA-EDR"
        if 'name_en' in data:
            data['name_en'] = u"Playtender"
        if 'legalName_en' in data.identifier:
            data.identifier['legalName_en'] = u"Playtender"
        if 'address' in data:
            data.address['countryName'] = u"Україна"
            data.address['locality'] = u"Київ"
            data.address['postalCode'] = u"01111"
            data.address['region'] = u"місто Київ"
            data.address['streetAddress'] = u"вулиця Тестова, 220, 8"
        if 'contactPoint' in data:
            data.contactPoint['email'] = u""
            data.contactPoint['faxNumber'] = u"+3801111111111"
            data.contactPoint['telephone'] = u"+3801111111111"
            data.contactPoint['name'] = u"Test"
            if 'name_en' in data.contactPoint:
                data.contactPoint['name_en'] = u"Test"
            data.contactPoint['url'] = u""
    except Exception:
        raise Exception('data is not a dictionary')

# prepare data
def prepare_buyers_data(data):
    if type(data) is not list:
        raise Exception('data is not a list')

    # preventing console errors about changing buyer data in cases
    if len(data) != 1:

    item = next(iter(data), None)
    item['name'] = u"Playtender"
    item.identifier['id'] = u"playtender"
    item.identifier['legalName'] = u"Playtender"
    item.identifier['scheme'] = u"UA-EDR"