2 changed files
71 additions
1 deletions
... | ... | @@ -1169,3 +1169,17 @@ Resource playtender_agree |
1169 | 1169 | ######################################################################################################################## |
1170 | 1170 | ################################################### AGREEMENT KEYWORDS ################################################# |
1171 | 1171 | ######################################################################################################################## |
1172 | +######################################################################################################################## | |
1173 | +################################################### CANCELLATION LOTS AND TENDERS KEYWORDS ############################# | |
1174 | +######################################################################################################################## | |
1175 | +Скасувати закупівлю | |
1176 | + [Arguments] ${username} ${tender_uaid} ${cancellation_reason} ${cancellation_reasonType} ${doc_name} ${cancellation_data} | |
1177 | + [Documentation] Скасувати закупівлю | |
1178 | + | |
1179 | + decline tender ${username} ${tender_uaid} ${cancellation_reason} ${cancellation_reasonType} ${doc_name} ${cancellation_data} | |
1180 | + | |
1181 | + | |
1182 | + | |
1183 | +######################################################################################################################## | |
1184 | +################################################### END CANCELLATION LOTS AND TENDERS KEYWORDS ######################### | |
1185 | +######################################################################################################################## | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ fill tender general info |
119 | 119 | ${description} = get from dictionary by keys ${data} description |
120 | 120 | run keyword if condition is not none ${title} input text to visible input ${tender_form_general_tender_description_locator} ${description} |
121 | 121 | ${description_en} = get from dictionary by keys ${data} description_en |
122 | - run keyword if condition is not none ${title} input text to exist visible input ${tender_form_general_tender_description_en_locator} ${description_en} | |
122 | +#if funders to openEU | |
123 | + run keyword if condition is not none ${title} run keyword if "${mode}" in "belowThreshold" input text to exist visible input ${tender_form_general_tender_description_en_locator} ${description_en} | |
123 | 124 | ${funders} = get from dictionary by keys ${data} funders |
124 | 125 | run keyword if condition is not none ${funders} Click Element ${tender_form_general_tender_funder_locator} |
125 | 126 | run keyword if condition is not none ${funders} fill tender form funders ${funders} |
... | ... | @@ -677,3 +678,58 @@ fill tender contact person |
677 | 678 | ${contact_point_name_en} = get from dictionary by keys ${data} procuringEntity contactPoint name_en |
678 | 679 | run keyword if condition is not none ${contact_point_name_en} input text to visible input ${tender_form_contact_point_name_en_input_locator} ${contact_point_name_en} |
679 | 680 | submit current visible popup |
681 | + | |
682 | +decline tender | |
683 | + [Arguments] ${username} ${tender_uaid} ${cancellation_reason} ${cancellation_reasonType} ${doc_name} ${cancellation_data} | |
684 | + [Documentation] Скасувати закупівлю | |
685 | + | |
686 | + open tender page by uaid ${tender_uaid} | |
687 | + Execute Javascript $('#aside-part-pjax a[href*="/tender-cancellation/create?tenderId"]').click() | |
688 | + capture page screenshot | |
689 | + wait until page contains element with reloading jquery=id="cancellationform-reason" | |
690 | + capture page screenshot | |
691 | + input text to exist visible input jquery=id="cancellationform-reason" ${cancellation_reason} | |
692 | + capture page screenshot | |
693 | + choose file ${add_file_to_form_locator} ${doc_name} | |
694 | + capture page screenshot | |
695 | +# wait until page does not contain element ${popup_dynamic_form_loading_element_locator} | |
696 | + capture page screenshot | |
697 | + Execute Javascript $('button:contains("Скасувати закупівлю")').click() | |
698 | + capture page screenshot | |
699 | + close current visible alert | |
700 | + capture page screenshot | |
701 | + run keyword and ignore error Load Sign | |
702 | + capture page screenshot | |
703 | + run keyword and ignore error close current visible alert | |
704 | + capture page screenshot | |
705 | + | |
706 | + | |
707 | +Other | |
708 | + input text to exist visible input ${claim_form_complaintform_description_input_locator} ${} | |
709 | + capture page screenshot | |
710 | + Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run Keyword If '${type}' == 'tender' Select From List By Label ${claim_form_complaintform_related_of_input_locator} Закупівля | |
711 | + capture page screenshot | |
712 | + Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run Keyword If '${type}' == 'lot' Select From List By Label ${claim_form_complaintform_related_of_input_locator} Лот | |
713 | + capture page screenshot | |
714 | + Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run Keyword If '${type}' == 'lot' Click Element ${claim_form_complaintform_related_lot_input_locator} | |
715 | + ${claim_form_complaintform_related_lot_select_locator} = Run Keyword If '${type}' == 'lot' replace string ${claim_form_complaintform_related_lot_input_locator_tpl} %type_id% ${type_id} | |
716 | + Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run Keyword If '${type}' == 'lot' Click Element ${claim_form_complaintform_related_lot_select_locator} | |
717 | + capture page screenshot | |
718 | + Run Keyword And Ignore Error Select From List By Label ${claim_form_complaintform_complaintform_type_input_locator} Вимога | |
719 | + Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run Keyword If '${type}' == 'winner_complaint' or '${}' == 'complaint' Select From List By Label ${claim_form_complaintform_complaintform_type_input_locator} Скарга | |
720 | + | |
721 | + capture page screenshot | |
722 | +### Run Keyword If '${doc_name}' != 'null' click visible element ${claim_form_complaintform_document_btn_locator} | |
723 | + capture page screenshot | |
724 | + Run Keyword If '${doc_name}' != 'null' choose file ${add_file_to_form_locator} ${doc_name} | |
725 | + capture page screenshot | |
726 | + Run Keyword If '${doc_name}' != 'null' wait until page does not contain element ${popup_dynamic_form_loading_element_locator} | |
727 | + capture page screenshot | |
728 | +# Run Keyword If '${doc_name}' != 'null' submit current visible popup | |
729 | + submit form and check result ${claim_form_complaintform_submit_btn_locator} ${claim_form_submit_success_msg} ${tender_created_checker_element_locator} | |
730 | +# Функция ожидания claim_uaid_text_locator соответствующей вимоги | |
731 | +# click visible element ${claim_form_open_btn_locator} | |
732 | + reload page | |
733 | + wait until page does not contain element with reloading ${claim_sync_element_locator} 60 | |
734 | + wait until page contains element with reloading ${claim_uaid_text_locator} | |
735 | + | ... | ... |
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