1 changed file
61 additions
0 deletions
0 → 100644
1 | +*** Settings *** | |
2 | + | |
3 | +Resource playtender_common.robot | |
4 | +Resource playtender_agreement_variables.robot | |
5 | +Resource playtender_question.robot | |
6 | +Resource playtender_claim.robot | |
7 | +Resource playtender_bid.robot | |
8 | +Resource playtender_viewer.robot | |
9 | + | |
10 | +*** Keywords *** | |
11 | + | |
12 | +update agreement queue | |
13 | + [Documentation] запускає оновлення agreement з ЦБД і додає їх в чергу, тобто синхронізація може відбутися не відразу | |
14 | + ... поточна сторіка повертається | |
15 | + | |
16 | + ${current_url} = get location | |
17 | + go to ${broker_baseurl}/utils/queue-agreement-update | |
18 | + go to ${current_url} | |
19 | + | |
20 | +open agreement search form | |
21 | + [Documentation] відкриває сторінку з пошуком agreement | |
22 | + | |
23 | + open page and wait element by locator ${broker_baseurl}/agreements ${agreement_search_form_locator} | |
24 | + | |
25 | +open agreement form by uaid | |
26 | + [Arguments] ${agreement_uaid} | |
27 | + [Documentation] відкриття сторінки редагування плану | |
28 | + | |
29 | + open agreement page by uaid ${agreement_uaid} | |
30 | + click visible element and wait until page contains element ${tender_edit_btn_locator} ${tender_form_locator} | |
31 | + | |
32 | +open agreement page by uaid | |
33 | + [Arguments] ${uaid} | |
34 | + [Documentation] відкриває сторінку з agreement | |
35 | + | |
36 | + open site page and wait content element ${broker_baseurl}/agreement/${uaid} | |
37 | + ${is_agreement_found} = get is element exist ${agreement_view_checker_element_locator} | |
38 | + return from keyword if ${is_agreement_found} == ${True} | |
39 | + ${is_agreement_not_found} = get is 404 page | |
40 | + ${is_needed_to_update_and_wait_sync} = set variable if ${is_test_role_owner} == ${False} and ${is_agreement_not_found} ${True} ${False} | |
41 | + run keyword if ${is_needed_to_update_and_wait_sync} update agreement queue | |
42 | + run keyword if ${is_needed_to_update_and_wait_sync} wait until 404 page disappears | |
43 | + ${is_agreement_found} = get is element exist ${agreement_view_checker_element_locator} | |
44 | + run keyword if ${is_agreement_found} == ${False} fail Opening agreement page by uaid fails. | |
45 | + | |
46 | +save agreement form and wait synchronization | |
47 | + [Documentation] натискає кнопку "Зберегти" і чекає синхронізації угоди | |
48 | + | |
49 | + submit form and check result ${tender_form_submit_btn_locator} ${tender_form_submit_success_msg} ${tender_created_checker_element_locator} ${true} | |
50 | + wait until page does not contain element with reloading ${agreement_sync_element_locator} | |
51 | + | |
52 | +add document in agreement | |
53 | + [Arguments] ${filepath} | |
54 | + [Documentation] Завантажити документ, який знаходиться по шляху filepath. | |
55 | + | |
56 | + click visible element ${tender_form_general_panel_edit_add_document_btn_locator} | |
57 | + choose file ${add_file_to_form_locator} ${filepath} | |
58 | + wait until page does not contain element ${popup_dynamic_form_loading_element_locator} | |
59 | + submit current visible popup | |
60 | + | |
61 | + | ... | ... |
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